1 Answer
"If the purchaser’s home is burglarized during that period, due to a direct failure of Door Armor, Armor Concepts will pay the purchaser’s homeowner’s insurance policy deductible (up to $500 for Door Armor Max and $300 for Door Armor Mini). Direct failure of this product under this warranty shall be limited to the following: i). Entry into the home as a direct result of a door, equipped with a correctly installed product, being kicked in or forced open with direct blow to the face of the door by a body part; or ii). Entry into the home as a direct result of the product breaking or doorjamb splitting.
Entry into the home through methods such as prying, cutting, use of heavy machinery or due to the lock or deadbolt breaking shall not constitute failure of this product for the purposes of this warranty. Entry into the home from an area of the door, not reinforced with the product, does not constitute failure for the purpose of this warranty. This warranty shall be void if entry is forced by the Fire, Police, EMS departments or any other government agency."